They say you only get 400-500 miles out of a pair of running shoes. My coaches are telling us now is the time, six weeks before the marathon, to start breaking in a new pair if we're going to need new shoes. This has been weighing heavily on my mind, as I'm unemployed and running shoes are not cheap.
So, I logged into Nike+, since it tracks my miles for me. And, when you subtract out the miles I had accumulated before acquiring my new shoes on August 24th, I think I'm okay.
246.21 miles to date
40.88 miles before these shoes
205.33 miles on these shoes.
I'll be cutting it close, but I should be able to just eek by with these shoes.
I'll do 10 more miles this week.
And probably an average of 20 miles per week for the next five weeks.
That's about 110. And let's round up, it'll be more like 130 miles in five weeks. That'll have 335 miles on the shoes come marathon day.
I'll take my chances. My shoes still feel good, as they should with only 205 miles on them. Since shoes are not in the budget, it'll be okay.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
seeking medical help
I don't want to blog about this on my main blog because I am so down about this. Today the tears started. Self-pity, I guess.
I'm going to try to get an appointment today to see a sports doctor about my right leg. We need to rule out stress fracture. We need to come up with a treatment. Because I'm having a hard time walking, and that completely interferes with my marathon training.
I'm going to try to get an appointment today to see a sports doctor about my right leg. We need to rule out stress fracture. We need to come up with a treatment. Because I'm having a hard time walking, and that completely interferes with my marathon training.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
embrace the suck
Distance: 2.16 mi
Duration: 30′02″
Pace: 13′50″
Calories: 376
I have completed 19 workouts for a total of 43.15 miles. My average pace is 13'07" per mile.
Sigh. My pace slowed. Again.
On one hand, January cannot get here soon enough. On the other, good grief but I'm in over my head. A marathon? WTF was I thinking?
Duration: 30′02″
Pace: 13′50″
Calories: 376
I have completed 19 workouts for a total of 43.15 miles. My average pace is 13'07" per mile.
Sigh. My pace slowed. Again.
On one hand, January cannot get here soon enough. On the other, good grief but I'm in over my head. A marathon? WTF was I thinking?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
first official run, training for my marathon
Distance: 4.5 mi
Duration: 1:01′42″
Pace: 13′41″
Calories: 782
I have completed 18 workouts for a total of 40.98 miles. My average pace is 13'05" per mile.
This run was completed early in the morning while the bands of Tropical Storm Fay started to pelt Orlando. I got soaked for approximately two of those miles. I didn't mind the rain, as it was refreshing, but the water got into my right eye and really affected my ability to see. It really hated my contact lens in that eye. Also, my clothing was so much heavier dripping water.
But, it made for a cool, refreshing run.
Duration: 1:01′42″
Pace: 13′41″
Calories: 782
I have completed 18 workouts for a total of 40.98 miles. My average pace is 13'05" per mile.
This run was completed early in the morning while the bands of Tropical Storm Fay started to pelt Orlando. I got soaked for approximately two of those miles. I didn't mind the rain, as it was refreshing, but the water got into my right eye and really affected my ability to see. It really hated my contact lens in that eye. Also, my clothing was so much heavier dripping water.
But, it made for a cool, refreshing run.
Monday, August 11, 2008
please join my team
Okay kids, here's the deal. I told you that I have signed up to be on the Team In Training team for the Disney Marathon coming up in January. They will train me and cover my expenses but I have to raise money for a very worthy cause: to help fight blood born cancers.
I have to tell you, I am very, very apprehensive about doing fund raising. It is not something I have ever been good at, mostly because asking people for money is so far out of my comfort zone. But leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research and patient services is a very worthy cause. I have been blessed to not know anyone personally who has been affected by these horrible diseases, but I want to help anyway.
So here's the deal. I have been asked to raise $2,400 by the end of December. That number is quite intimidating! But with your help, I can do it! I figure I have probably fifty regular readers. If each of you fifty could commit to just $10 a month for the next five months (August through December), that would put me over my goal, $2,500. Ten bucks a month is pretty easy to fit into a budget, isn't it? It's taking your lunch twice that month instead of eating fast food. It's skipping two mocha latte's from evil coffee conglomerate. Super easy. And for such a good cause.
Please, talk it over with your significant other, and please consider pledging just $10 a month for the next five months to help fund cancer research and help me train to run the marathon in honor of a person currently fighting cancer (I think I meet my person in two weeks). You and I can make a difference!

What happens to the money I raise?
Good question. Team In Training figures my expenses will run around $600. They multiply that by four to get the $2,400 figure I have been asked to raise. So, for every dollar I raise, twenty-five cents goes toward my expenses. My expenses include training, a team tee-shirt, two or three nights in a hotel the weekend of the marathon, a high-carb pasta party the night before the marathon, and a post-run party. (I think that's everything.) I'll be upfront with you about what I'm involved in because I want you to believe in me, believe in this cause, and believe we can make a difference by raising funds to help fund cancer research.
If I do not raise the full funds by the end of December, I have the option of not running (NOT AN OPTION!) or funding the rest out of pocket. If I fund the balance, I then have two additional months to continue fund raising to reimburse myself. No matter what, the money goes to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
With your help, I can meet my goal!
One more thing, if you are interested in joining a team to run a marathon, either here or in your area, please mention you heard it from me as that will knock a little bit of money off the total I have to raise. And if your company would like to be a corporate sponsor, I can find out more about how to do that. Your company's logo will go onto our marketing materials, and the back of our purple shirts as our team runs the marathon in January. Since it's a charity, talk to your tax adviser about tax benefits of donating to charity.
Rachel Lucas had a great suggestion. For easier payment options, you can either hit my Amazon tip jar or my Paypal button to save having to enter in your credit card information. I will redirect all funds to my Team In Training account.

By helping to raise funds for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research and patient services, you'll receive:
* Personalized fitness training by certified coaches for a period of four to five months
* Training clinics
* Your own personal Web site for online fundraising
* A supportive group of teammates
* Lodging and airfare to more than 60 accredited events in the United States and abroad.
I have to tell you, I am very, very apprehensive about doing fund raising. It is not something I have ever been good at, mostly because asking people for money is so far out of my comfort zone. But leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research and patient services is a very worthy cause. I have been blessed to not know anyone personally who has been affected by these horrible diseases, but I want to help anyway.
So here's the deal. I have been asked to raise $2,400 by the end of December. That number is quite intimidating! But with your help, I can do it! I figure I have probably fifty regular readers. If each of you fifty could commit to just $10 a month for the next five months (August through December), that would put me over my goal, $2,500. Ten bucks a month is pretty easy to fit into a budget, isn't it? It's taking your lunch twice that month instead of eating fast food. It's skipping two mocha latte's from evil coffee conglomerate. Super easy. And for such a good cause.
Please, talk it over with your significant other, and please consider pledging just $10 a month for the next five months to help fund cancer research and help me train to run the marathon in honor of a person currently fighting cancer (I think I meet my person in two weeks). You and I can make a difference!

What happens to the money I raise?
Good question. Team In Training figures my expenses will run around $600. They multiply that by four to get the $2,400 figure I have been asked to raise. So, for every dollar I raise, twenty-five cents goes toward my expenses. My expenses include training, a team tee-shirt, two or three nights in a hotel the weekend of the marathon, a high-carb pasta party the night before the marathon, and a post-run party. (I think that's everything.) I'll be upfront with you about what I'm involved in because I want you to believe in me, believe in this cause, and believe we can make a difference by raising funds to help fund cancer research.
If I do not raise the full funds by the end of December, I have the option of not running (NOT AN OPTION!) or funding the rest out of pocket. If I fund the balance, I then have two additional months to continue fund raising to reimburse myself. No matter what, the money goes to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
With your help, I can meet my goal!
One more thing, if you are interested in joining a team to run a marathon, either here or in your area, please mention you heard it from me as that will knock a little bit of money off the total I have to raise. And if your company would like to be a corporate sponsor, I can find out more about how to do that. Your company's logo will go onto our marketing materials, and the back of our purple shirts as our team runs the marathon in January. Since it's a charity, talk to your tax adviser about tax benefits of donating to charity.
Rachel Lucas had a great suggestion. For easier payment options, you can either hit my Amazon tip jar or my Paypal button to save having to enter in your credit card information. I will redirect all funds to my Team In Training account.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
in training
I have joined Team in Training. I am training to run the Disney Marathon in January. Please consider making a donation to help fight Leukemia, Lymphoma, and other blood-born cancers, and to help me train for this marathon. I have a Team in Training website that I am currently tweaking. My website is here. I need to raise $2,400 by the end of December. I can do this, with your help.
Thank you for your emotional and financial support. :)
Thank you for your emotional and financial support. :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Team In Training
I have signed up to attend an informational meeting about Team In Training next weekend.
From the email I received this evening:
And also this:
I'll go to the meeting and find out more then.
From the email I received this evening:
Experienced coaches design a day-by-day training program which prepares participants for their race day events. Participants are training for optimal performance and receive sound advice on form, technique, race strategies, equipment, injury prevention and nutrition. At the same time, participants benefit from improved strength, cardiovascular
endurance and weight management. Group training consists of weekend morning workouts at various locations around the Central Florida area. There are also informal weekday group training sessions led by TNT mentors. Coaches send weekly emails that include training tips and updates.
And also this:
In return for all of these aspects of the program, participants are asked to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Once you achieve the participation minimum associated with your event, the TNT staff will arrange and pay for your airfare, hotel stay (double occupancy), race registration and TNT weekend events. The TNT staff is dedicated to helping you achieve your goal! Shortly after the Kick Off Celebration, the TNT staff will host a Fundraising Clinic to provide you with all the information you will need to reach your fundraising goal, including personal solicitation and letter writing campaigns, on-line fundraising, corporate sponsorship campaigns and organizing special events.
I'll go to the meeting and find out more then.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
improvement, no, really
Ooh! I just noticed this. Let me put it side-by-side so I can better appreciate it.
Distance: 2.17 miles ----------2.11 miles
Time: 29'25" ------------------27'54"
Average: 13'31" per mile -----13'10" per mile
Okay, so on the left we have Tuesday morning and on the right we have Thursday morning. The distance is practically the same (I cut a corner this morning), but the time is different, and my average pace is ameliorating. Yay!
Distance: 2.17 miles ----------2.11 miles
Time: 29'25" ------------------27'54"
Average: 13'31" per mile -----13'10" per mile
Okay, so on the left we have Tuesday morning and on the right we have Thursday morning. The distance is practically the same (I cut a corner this morning), but the time is different, and my average pace is ameliorating. Yay!
it's bound to get easier someday
Distance: 2.11 miles
Time: 27'54"
Average: 13'10" per mile
I have completed 17 runs for a total of 36.47 miles. My average pace is 13'00" per mile.
For a change, my average pace stayed the same. That's a vast improvement over the recent slowing trend. So, Yay for that. I guess.
I started my route in reverse. On the one hand, it was smarter, because when I got to the circle I'm slightly afraid of, I ran almost the whole circle instead of just the first two-thirds of it, as the scary part is, in reverse, the final two-thirds instead of the first two-thirds. But, I just didn't have enough oomph to get all the way back to the corner.
Then I was faced with the long straight away. For some reason, in reverse, the long straight away seems insurmountable. So, I went back to the start of the scary circle, turned around, did another tour of the cul-du-sac (there are two cul-du-scas in my 'hood) and then ran the scary two-thirds of the circle again before getting back to my half of the neighborhood, where I had to make up distance since I drastically changed my route.
I might do the scary circle in reverse, but not the whole route. That long straight away is much less cumbersome heading away from home than toward home. I don't know why that is.
Time: 27'54"
Average: 13'10" per mile
I have completed 17 runs for a total of 36.47 miles. My average pace is 13'00" per mile.
For a change, my average pace stayed the same. That's a vast improvement over the recent slowing trend. So, Yay for that. I guess.
I started my route in reverse. On the one hand, it was smarter, because when I got to the circle I'm slightly afraid of, I ran almost the whole circle instead of just the first two-thirds of it, as the scary part is, in reverse, the final two-thirds instead of the first two-thirds. But, I just didn't have enough oomph to get all the way back to the corner.
Then I was faced with the long straight away. For some reason, in reverse, the long straight away seems insurmountable. So, I went back to the start of the scary circle, turned around, did another tour of the cul-du-sac (there are two cul-du-scas in my 'hood) and then ran the scary two-thirds of the circle again before getting back to my half of the neighborhood, where I had to make up distance since I drastically changed my route.
I might do the scary circle in reverse, but not the whole route. That long straight away is much less cumbersome heading away from home than toward home. I don't know why that is.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
not sure what happened
my cell phone alarm sounded at 505a, as I want it to. And then the real alarm clock sounded at 6a, as it has to for us to get to work on time. What happened in that hour? I certainly didn't get up and run. Lazy bum!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
maybe my goal is unrealistic
I gave my body a full week to get over the issues it complained about on my last run. A full week of sloth. Maybe my goal of that 13K in October is unrealistic.
Distance: 2.17 miles
Time: 29'25"
Average: 13'31" per mile
I have completed 16 runs for a total of 34.35 miles. My average pace is 13'00" per mile.
Oh look, I'm getting slower all the time.
How discouraging. Nike+ does a neat graph thing of my runs. And even though I know I ran more today than I typically do, you would never know it looking at my graph thing.
This sucks.
Distance: 2.17 miles
Time: 29'25"
Average: 13'31" per mile
I have completed 16 runs for a total of 34.35 miles. My average pace is 13'00" per mile.
Oh look, I'm getting slower all the time.
How discouraging. Nike+ does a neat graph thing of my runs. And even though I know I ran more today than I typically do, you would never know it looking at my graph thing.
This sucks.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
night off
I'm going to take the night off. My leg hurts, and I don't want to push it. I'll be back on task tomorrow night.
Monday, June 16, 2008
what do you do when one of your legs says no?
I stop. There is no point in possibly injuring myself. My left leg, the same leg that refused to climb steps over the weekend, said no. I tried to coax it into cooperating, but it said no.
Distance: 2.09 miles
Time: 28'33"
Average: 13'37" per mile
I have completed 15 runs for a total of 32.18 miles. My average pace is 12'57" per mile.
I'm disappointed. I needed to do three laps tonight.
Distance: 2.09 miles
Time: 28'33"
Average: 13'37" per mile
I have completed 15 runs for a total of 32.18 miles. My average pace is 12'57" per mile.
I'm disappointed. I needed to do three laps tonight.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
despite the aches and pains
I abused my body on Saturday. We're talking big time abuse. I'll post a picture for two reasons: so you can see why my arms, legs, and abs are screaming at me, and so I can post another picture of my disgusting body to help remind me that I need to run.

Yup, that's a fat blob on a slip-n-slide. All kinds of aches and pains come from that kind of fun. Oh the sacrifices I make for my kid.
Anyway, even though I was unable to climb stairs today due to my screaming left thigh, and even though my abs hate me, and even though my upper arms are asking to be amputated, I "ran."
Distance: 3.06 miles
Time: 42'20"
Average: 13'48" per mile
I have completed 14 runs for a total of 30.08 miles. My average pace is 12'55" per mile.
Yes, my average pace has decreased in the overall picture, but it will ameliorate. Just give me some time. I'm still in the beginning phase of training.
After my run, some random female's voice on my iPod said, "Hi this is Joyce somebodyorother. Congratulations! That was your longest run to date." And that's just another reason why I heart my Nike+iPod; it gives me random encouragement.

Yup, that's a fat blob on a slip-n-slide. All kinds of aches and pains come from that kind of fun. Oh the sacrifices I make for my kid.
Anyway, even though I was unable to climb stairs today due to my screaming left thigh, and even though my abs hate me, and even though my upper arms are asking to be amputated, I "ran."
Distance: 3.06 miles
Time: 42'20"
Average: 13'48" per mile
I have completed 14 runs for a total of 30.08 miles. My average pace is 12'55" per mile.
Yes, my average pace has decreased in the overall picture, but it will ameliorate. Just give me some time. I'm still in the beginning phase of training.
After my run, some random female's voice on my iPod said, "Hi this is Joyce somebodyorother. Congratulations! That was your longest run to date." And that's just another reason why I heart my Nike+iPod; it gives me random encouragement.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
ugh tonight sucked
Honestly. I have so little confidence in myself right now. It was a brutal run. And I'm feeling really discouraged, like setting the goal of that 13K in October is absolutely impossible. I know I'm probably just being totally unrealistic with my expectations of what I should be able to accomplish, but I'm discouraged and disgusted with myself.
That being said, I ran more tonight than I did last night. But when I walked, my pace was much slower than last night's walking pace. In fact, I had a really, really hard time keeping my pace above a 15 minute mile. Yet even as I tried to coax more oomph out of myself, I just couldn't do it. I'm tired.
Tomorrow, I get the night off. And probably Saturday night, too. But I'm back on for Sunday. Whether I like it or not. And maybe my body will be rested for Sunday's run.
Distance: 2.46 miles
Time: 33'02"
Average: 13'25" per mile
I have completed 13 runs for a total of 27.01 miles. My average pace is 12'49" per mile.
I just have to keep telling myself that I really want to do the 13K and that I can do it.
Meanwhile, the Nike+ website is really cool. Back on May 15th, I set a goal for myself on the site to run six miles in four weeks. I achieved that goal tonight! Go me! Hell, I achieved that goal this week, so clearly I should have set the goal higher. It gave me a gold medal for my efforts. I'm all about the imaginary gold medal!
I have it set up to help me train for the 13K. I'm currently 4 miles behind where the training says I should be. That does not help the belief in myself at all. Maybe I don't get tomorrow night off after all.
That being said, I ran more tonight than I did last night. But when I walked, my pace was much slower than last night's walking pace. In fact, I had a really, really hard time keeping my pace above a 15 minute mile. Yet even as I tried to coax more oomph out of myself, I just couldn't do it. I'm tired.
Tomorrow, I get the night off. And probably Saturday night, too. But I'm back on for Sunday. Whether I like it or not. And maybe my body will be rested for Sunday's run.
Distance: 2.46 miles
Time: 33'02"
Average: 13'25" per mile
I have completed 13 runs for a total of 27.01 miles. My average pace is 12'49" per mile.
I just have to keep telling myself that I really want to do the 13K and that I can do it.
Meanwhile, the Nike+ website is really cool. Back on May 15th, I set a goal for myself on the site to run six miles in four weeks. I achieved that goal tonight! Go me! Hell, I achieved that goal this week, so clearly I should have set the goal higher. It gave me a gold medal for my efforts. I'm all about the imaginary gold medal!
I have it set up to help me train for the 13K. I'm currently 4 miles behind where the training says I should be. That does not help the belief in myself at all. Maybe I don't get tomorrow night off after all.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
random encouragement!
On my first lap of my pathetic attempt at a run tonight, a neighbor I have not yet met was in his convertible BMW waiting for his garage door to open as I walked in front of his vehicle. He said to me, "you're doing great! Keep up the good work!" I said, "thank you!" And it about made my night! Random encouragement is awesome!
I was out there much, much earlier than I like. It was still very much day light and ridiculously hot outside. As such, after my second lap of the neighborhood, I was just too wiped out to do a third lap. I hit two miles and called it done. I had to get out early, though, because tonight is poker night, and if I don't "run" before poker night, I won't run at all as it'll be far too late at night to go run. So, here it is:
Distance: 2.07 miles
Time: 27'21"
Average: 13'12" per mile
I have completed 12 runs for a total of 24.55 miles. My average pace is 12'45" per mile.
Considering I hardly ran at all tonight (combination of the bloody heat and my body being tired still from last night's "run"), I think that I kept a pretty respectable pace.
I'll take Fridays off. But that's the only real scheduling decision I have made so far about this. I am going to do no less than 2 miles per "run". And in two weeks, I'll hopefully be able to up that number.
I "ran" two nights in a row! Go me!
I was out there much, much earlier than I like. It was still very much day light and ridiculously hot outside. As such, after my second lap of the neighborhood, I was just too wiped out to do a third lap. I hit two miles and called it done. I had to get out early, though, because tonight is poker night, and if I don't "run" before poker night, I won't run at all as it'll be far too late at night to go run. So, here it is:
Distance: 2.07 miles
Time: 27'21"
Average: 13'12" per mile
I have completed 12 runs for a total of 24.55 miles. My average pace is 12'45" per mile.
Considering I hardly ran at all tonight (combination of the bloody heat and my body being tired still from last night's "run"), I think that I kept a pretty respectable pace.
I'll take Fridays off. But that's the only real scheduling decision I have made so far about this. I am going to do no less than 2 miles per "run". And in two weeks, I'll hopefully be able to up that number.
I "ran" two nights in a row! Go me!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
so there's this race coming up
I want to run in the Tower of Terror 13K on October 25th. I am terribly out of shape, as we can all see anytime I post a picture. The most I have ever run is a 5K. That was in February. 2007. So, yeah, I have my work cut out for me. I figure I need to run almost every day if I plan to be ready to not place last in the 13K on October 25th. That's five months away. I can do it.
Tonight's run:
Distance: 2.86 miles
Time: 37'12"
Average: 12'58" per mile
I have completed 11 runs for a total of 22.48 miles. My average pace is 12'43" per mile.
It's a start. Go me! I'm totally going to be up for a 13K in five months! Please cheer me on, as I suffer from low self-esteem and motivation.
Tonight's run:
Distance: 2.86 miles
Time: 37'12"
Average: 12'58" per mile
I have completed 11 runs for a total of 22.48 miles. My average pace is 12'43" per mile.
It's a start. Go me! I'm totally going to be up for a 13K in five months! Please cheer me on, as I suffer from low self-esteem and motivation.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
So, I also punched the punching bag 300 times with each fist the other night. And then my arms and shoulders hurt the next day, so that's good.
Meanwhile, today we visited both amusement parks at Universal today. Two hours, two parks, zero rides. But it was a good brisk walk. And, I'm tired.
I'd like to think I'm going to try to run tonight, but the theme parks were kinda harsh (wrong shoes).
Meanwhile, today we visited both amusement parks at Universal today. Two hours, two parks, zero rides. But it was a good brisk walk. And, I'm tired.
I'd like to think I'm going to try to run tonight, but the theme parks were kinda harsh (wrong shoes).
Thursday, May 15, 2008
pathetic, but at least it's something
I broke out the Nike + iPod tonight. I'm amazed I could even find the two little pieces, given how long it's been since I used either. Anyway, I'm connected to the Nike+ website to upload my "run" information:
This is my 24'21" run
It was only 1.71 miles (two laps around my neighborhood)
I hardly ran at all since I am so ridiculously out of shape. Hello, did you see the picture (from February) that I posted yesterday? That's just not an angle I see myself from.
Since receiving my Nike+ on Christmas 2006, I have only completed 10 runs for a total of 10.61 miles. My average pace is 12'40" per mile.
This is my 24'21" run
It was only 1.71 miles (two laps around my neighborhood)
I hardly ran at all since I am so ridiculously out of shape. Hello, did you see the picture (from February) that I posted yesterday? That's just not an angle I see myself from.
Since receiving my Nike+ on Christmas 2006, I have only completed 10 runs for a total of 10.61 miles. My average pace is 12'40" per mile.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I was flat out exhausted yesterday, and busy all weekend. I gave myself a pass to not ride my bicycle last night. However, that meant I had to lift my little ten pound dumbells. I do twenty reps, except on that one lift that's unbelievably difficult, that only gets ten. And, I only do one set of three different lifts. Still, every little bit helps.
I need to get back into crunch mode. I seem to have bruised my tail bone. That kept me from wanting to lay on the floor and crunch last night. I'll start those back up soon.
And tonight, I must ride my bike. Non-negotiable.
I need to get back into crunch mode. I seem to have bruised my tail bone. That kept me from wanting to lay on the floor and crunch last night. I'll start those back up soon.
And tonight, I must ride my bike. Non-negotiable.
Monday, March 17, 2008
ugh, I've been slothful.
Okay, on Saturday, we did walk and walk and walk at an outdoor art festival. And I took two additional trips back to the car.
I've been trying to drink four bottles of water per day. It's easier on work days than at home. I can suck down two bottles at work, one with dinner, and nurse the other until bedtime. But on weekends, well, it's just easier to share my husband's Coke.
Today I did not work, but I have sucked down two bottles of water and will likely get a third down by bedtime. Although I have a friend coming over to spend the night (we're super close to the airport, people frequently stay when they have an early flight). She's my wine friend. I expect we'll suck down one, if not two, bottles of wine. I'll need some water to cut down on the risk of hangover.
Okay, on Saturday, we did walk and walk and walk at an outdoor art festival. And I took two additional trips back to the car.
I've been trying to drink four bottles of water per day. It's easier on work days than at home. I can suck down two bottles at work, one with dinner, and nurse the other until bedtime. But on weekends, well, it's just easier to share my husband's Coke.
Today I did not work, but I have sucked down two bottles of water and will likely get a third down by bedtime. Although I have a friend coming over to spend the night (we're super close to the airport, people frequently stay when they have an early flight). She's my wine friend. I expect we'll suck down one, if not two, bottles of wine. I'll need some water to cut down on the risk of hangover.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
family ride
My husband and kid joined me on the bike ride this evening. It was nice to have the company, but they really slowed me down. I'm not complaining. The five miles was sooo much easier at a slow, leisurely pace. We were out much longer, due to the slower pace, but that kind of means longer physical activity, right?
Anyway, five more miles tonight. Go me!
Popped in my new yoga DVD tonight. Watched the poses but didn't actually try any of them. I'm intimidated. I don't think I'm coordinated enough. Never underestimate my clumsiness.
Anyway, five more miles tonight. Go me!
Popped in my new yoga DVD tonight. Watched the poses but didn't actually try any of them. I'm intimidated. I don't think I'm coordinated enough. Never underestimate my clumsiness.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
two thirty-one
I was at a home today that had a scale. A real scale. Like the kind in doctor's offices. When the coast was clear, I stepped onto the scale, somewhat apprehensive about what the number would be. Two hundred thirty-one pounds. I was actually afraid it would be higher than that. Last time I weighed myself months and months ago, I was in the mid two-twenties on an inaccurate scale. Two thirty-one is not as scary as I was expecting.
It's not acceptable, obviously, but I'm not plunged down into the pit of despair.
I neglected to mention, Sunday night I also punched the heavy bag two hundred times with each arm (four hundred punches total).
I just got home from riding my bike. The same route from Sunday night. It about killed me. First, my ass hurts from the bike seat. This will eventually stop aching as I continue to abuse my ass with the bike seat. But the ride itself was brutal.
I'll punch the bag later on.
I have a friend (I'm sure you're reading this) who is my accountability person. This person is trying to walk every day. Here's hoping we can keep each other motivated. It's so easy to find reasons not to exercise.
I need to take my body measurements like I did back when I lost all those inches (but not pounds) before my wedding. I'll try to do that tonight before I go to bed.
It's not acceptable, obviously, but I'm not plunged down into the pit of despair.
I neglected to mention, Sunday night I also punched the heavy bag two hundred times with each arm (four hundred punches total).
I just got home from riding my bike. The same route from Sunday night. It about killed me. First, my ass hurts from the bike seat. This will eventually stop aching as I continue to abuse my ass with the bike seat. But the ride itself was brutal.
I'll punch the bag later on.
I have a friend (I'm sure you're reading this) who is my accountability person. This person is trying to walk every day. Here's hoping we can keep each other motivated. It's so easy to find reasons not to exercise.
I need to take my body measurements like I did back when I lost all those inches (but not pounds) before my wedding. I'll try to do that tonight before I go to bed.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
thirty-one years old
I celebrated my thirty-first birthday over the weekend. I'm old, fat, and have gray hair.
I just rode my bike. I was going to do five laps around the neighborhood, but the speed bumps are brutal. Instead, I rode out of the neighborhood, up to the bridge over the lake. I think when I last clocked that drive, it's two and a half miles. If so, that was a brutal five mile ride.
About two thirds of the way to the bridge, I was ready to quit. But I kept telling myself to go just one more stop sign, and made it to the bridge.
Yes, that ride about killed me. I need to do this at least every other day.
Thirty-one years old. I will not be this enormous when I ring in number thirty-two. Unless I'm pregnant, that is.
I just rode my bike. I was going to do five laps around the neighborhood, but the speed bumps are brutal. Instead, I rode out of the neighborhood, up to the bridge over the lake. I think when I last clocked that drive, it's two and a half miles. If so, that was a brutal five mile ride.
About two thirds of the way to the bridge, I was ready to quit. But I kept telling myself to go just one more stop sign, and made it to the bridge.
Yes, that ride about killed me. I need to do this at least every other day.
Thirty-one years old. I will not be this enormous when I ring in number thirty-two. Unless I'm pregnant, that is.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
today is the first day I have pedaled at work this week. I did better last week. It all depends on what I need to accomplish and whether I have people bugging me, and clients coming in.
I discovered if I chew gum all day, I don't snack at all.
Did 30 regular crunches, 20 agonizing leg lifts, and 10 each of right and left crunches (at least I know what I mean!).
Have discovered being depressed all the time does not help me find any motivation to exercise. Cyclical: depressed about my appearance, too depressed to work out...
I discovered if I chew gum all day, I don't snack at all.
Did 30 regular crunches, 20 agonizing leg lifts, and 10 each of right and left crunches (at least I know what I mean!).
Have discovered being depressed all the time does not help me find any motivation to exercise. Cyclical: depressed about my appearance, too depressed to work out...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
slow start
Sunday night: 310 jumps on the jump rope. When I used to work out daily in 2003, I was able to go 500 without stopping (except when I tripped). This 300 nearly killed me, and I had to stop every 50 or so to gasp for air. I am so out of shape.
Yesterday: approximately fifteen minutes pedaling my little pedal gizmo.
I brought my pedal contraption to work so I can pedal while I sit at my desk. I'm pedaling right now, actually, and have five minutes so far for today. I figure even if it's only five minutes here or there throughout the day, and only adds up to twenty or thirty minutes, that's a hell of a lot better than just being sedentary all day long.
My only problem right now is figuring out the best way to manage pedaling at work. My chair has wheels, and it's hard to keep it from moving while I pedal. I'll have it figured out here shortly.
And, hey, if I pedal throughout the day at work, it's easier to justify not jumping or lifting weights at home. I still need to work out at home, but a little activity is so much better than none at all. Right?
Yesterday: approximately fifteen minutes pedaling my little pedal gizmo.
I brought my pedal contraption to work so I can pedal while I sit at my desk. I'm pedaling right now, actually, and have five minutes so far for today. I figure even if it's only five minutes here or there throughout the day, and only adds up to twenty or thirty minutes, that's a hell of a lot better than just being sedentary all day long.
My only problem right now is figuring out the best way to manage pedaling at work. My chair has wheels, and it's hard to keep it from moving while I pedal. I'll have it figured out here shortly.
And, hey, if I pedal throughout the day at work, it's easier to justify not jumping or lifting weights at home. I still need to work out at home, but a little activity is so much better than none at all. Right?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
getting off to a slow start
Funny how the best intentions go nowhere fast.
I have had such an urge to run, but life interferes at night and sleep has been evading me, so getting up early to run before work has been impossible. But, I had to do something. So I just punched my heavy bag roughly five hundred times with each arm. I then followed that up with a meager seven minutes on my little pedal thingy that's been collecting dust for two years.
My arms now ache, and my legs hurt. But it was actually my back that made me stop pedaling. I'll have to find a different place to sit to utilize the pedals so I don't hurt my back.
There are two 5K runs coming up that I want to do. The last Saturday in January and the first Saturday in February. The one in February is non-negotiable. I did that one last year (my first and last 5K before injury) and want to do it again. I need to find out more about the January 5K to see if I really want to do it.
I've started. And it's time for me to kick it into gear.
I have had such an urge to run, but life interferes at night and sleep has been evading me, so getting up early to run before work has been impossible. But, I had to do something. So I just punched my heavy bag roughly five hundred times with each arm. I then followed that up with a meager seven minutes on my little pedal thingy that's been collecting dust for two years.
My arms now ache, and my legs hurt. But it was actually my back that made me stop pedaling. I'll have to find a different place to sit to utilize the pedals so I don't hurt my back.
There are two 5K runs coming up that I want to do. The last Saturday in January and the first Saturday in February. The one in February is non-negotiable. I did that one last year (my first and last 5K before injury) and want to do it again. I need to find out more about the January 5K to see if I really want to do it.
I've started. And it's time for me to kick it into gear.
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