Tuesday, August 19, 2008

first official run, training for my marathon

Distance: 4.5 mi
Duration: 1:01′42″
Pace: 13′41″
Calories: 782

I have completed 18 workouts for a total of 40.98 miles. My average pace is 13'05" per mile.

This run was completed early in the morning while the bands of Tropical Storm Fay started to pelt Orlando. I got soaked for approximately two of those miles. I didn't mind the rain, as it was refreshing, but the water got into my right eye and really affected my ability to see. It really hated my contact lens in that eye. Also, my clothing was so much heavier dripping water.

But, it made for a cool, refreshing run.

1 comment:

arcanai said...

verily, i am impressed.