Tuesday, January 8, 2008

getting off to a slow start

Funny how the best intentions go nowhere fast.

I have had such an urge to run, but life interferes at night and sleep has been evading me, so getting up early to run before work has been impossible. But, I had to do something. So I just punched my heavy bag roughly five hundred times with each arm. I then followed that up with a meager seven minutes on my little pedal thingy that's been collecting dust for two years.

My arms now ache, and my legs hurt. But it was actually my back that made me stop pedaling. I'll have to find a different place to sit to utilize the pedals so I don't hurt my back.

There are two 5K runs coming up that I want to do. The last Saturday in January and the first Saturday in February. The one in February is non-negotiable. I did that one last year (my first and last 5K before injury) and want to do it again. I need to find out more about the January 5K to see if I really want to do it.

I've started. And it's time for me to kick it into gear.

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