Sunday, June 15, 2008

despite the aches and pains

I abused my body on Saturday. We're talking big time abuse. I'll post a picture for two reasons: so you can see why my arms, legs, and abs are screaming at me, and so I can post another picture of my disgusting body to help remind me that I need to run.

Yup, that's a fat blob on a slip-n-slide. All kinds of aches and pains come from that kind of fun. Oh the sacrifices I make for my kid.

Anyway, even though I was unable to climb stairs today due to my screaming left thigh, and even though my abs hate me, and even though my upper arms are asking to be amputated, I "ran."

Distance: 3.06 miles
Time: 42'20"
Average: 13'48" per mile

I have completed 14 runs for a total of 30.08 miles. My average pace is 12'55" per mile.

Yes, my average pace has decreased in the overall picture, but it will ameliorate. Just give me some time. I'm still in the beginning phase of training.

After my run, some random female's voice on my iPod said, "Hi this is Joyce somebodyorother. Congratulations! That was your longest run to date." And that's just another reason why I heart my Nike+iPod; it gives me random encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? You're gorgeous! I love this photo of you--your legs are so lovely and shapely. Your body is NOT disgusting! It's nice that you like to be active, but to me, it sounds like you're practically killing yourself with exercise. Anyway, it's your body and you should do what you feel is right with it, but please don't feel bad about the way you look; you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! You are a very sexy, beautiful woman---be proud of yourself!