Monday, August 31, 2009

TNT first Monday night training

I went to training with my Osceola team tonight. We started with pain-inducing ab exercises. OMG! Killer crunches. And I can generally crunch without problem. Good god, my coach is an evil, sadistic man! I would have much rather run an extra mile than do some of those exercises!

We all ran together at a really slow pace. And... for the first time ever... I ran a full mile without walking! Now, to be completely honest, I did have a 15 second stop when my shoe had to be re-tied, but other than that, I ran a full mile without walking! GO ME! Of course, that made me flat out exhausted and not much good for the second mile, but my overall pace wasn't too terrible. We only did two miles and thirty minutes due to weather. We run in rain, but not in lightening.

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