Thursday, May 7, 2009

rough time of it

I cannot even tell you how much I did not want to run this morning. Oh, sure, my mind was in it, but my body was a less-than-willing participant. Nevertheless, I dragged my tired butt out there and forced myself to move.

I added a very little distance on to my route. I think I mentioned all ready that I'm trying to add a little at a time to see what each addition is, mileage wise. I'm a little surprised my addition only added about 1.8 onto the route. It felt more like .3! My mind was telling me it wanted to reach five miles today, but it just was not meant to be. Anyway, it's not how far or how fast I went, it's that I went at all that matters.

Now then, about the run. Walked two, ran two, and then settled into a 1:1 for the rest of the run. I was feeling flat out exhausted and it took a lot of mental work to get through the route around the lake.

It's safe to say there was absolutely nothing I enjoyed about this run. It sucked. And it was bloody hot out there, even though I started at 740a. I was pouring sweat. Gah, I hate Florida.

Go me, though, for getting out there when I flat out did not want to go. It might have actually gone better if I had eaten more than a handful of pretzels before I left, but that would have just made it later (hotter) in the day, and I would have been less inclined to get out there and pound out a few miles.

I set a goal for myself on the Nike+ site earlier this week: run 40 miles in 4 weeks. That should be a simple goal to knock out, and I imagine, if I can stay motivated, that I can bang it out in three weeks instead of four. I'm all ready at 7.3 miles, and only three days into the goal. Time will tell! I also signed up for a challenge on the Nike+ community: to run a 45' 5K by July 12th. Well, I beat that today. But in order to win the challenge, I have to beat out the other participants. I don't see that happening; this morning, I'm in 11th place in the challenge. No doubt there are only eleven challengers! Wow! Actually, there are 33 people signed up for this challenge, so far!

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